I hold an MD and am currently in my residency. Related to the field I am in, for the past decade or so, it has been my hobby to hack my biology. If I want to improve something, I research it, decide on an intervention, implement it, track the results, and draw conclusions to find out whether something works for me or not.
I felt that some of my n=1 experiences and findings should not be kept to myself, so I created Desmolysium.
In ancient Greek δεσμός (desmos) = “shackle” and λύσις (lysis) = “destruction”. On δεσμό-λύσιον (desmo-lysion) I document my journey aiming to break free from biological shackles and in the process to improve myself, to live life more fully, and to become a better person to those around me.
The information on this website is n=1 and what works for me may not work for others.
If you have any questions, inquiries, feedback, criticism, disagreements, etc. please contact: [email protected]