Strategies I Use For Self-improvement, Productivity, and Well-being

Table of Contents

General thoughts on self-improvement

Let’s start with the obvious, which makes everything listed below much easier. For me, vitality (energy levels, mood, health) is the most important condition for self-improvement. If I am healthy, energetic, and in a good mood, then I am automatically more productive, nicer to people, a better listener, more mindful, more resistant to distractions, and more self-disciplined.

Conversely, when I am fatigued then I am more prone to procrastinating and being an asshole.

I discuss the concept of baseline vitality and various strategies & tactics that help me with it, here.

My personal experience suggests that, for me, the most effective and efficient path to “self-improvement” is to change a lacking biological factor in a goal-oriented way. For example, improving my sleep or starting semaglutide has improved many domains of my life, including productivity, mindfulness, and life enjoyment.

In the past, I often fell prey to “intellectualizing”. However, certain aspects of me or my life needed to become different, and “understanding” stuff was often not that helpful. Biological intervention offers a different approach. In contrast to hopping from one conceptual epiphany to the next, with biological intervention changes are automatic and there is little need for “realizing”, painstaking unlearning, relearning, and habit formation.

The above is only a fraction of the article. This article is currently undergoing final revisions and is expected to be published within the next few weeks to months. To receive a notification upon its release, sign up for my newsletter.

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