My Longevity Protocol (Long & Technical Version)

Table of Contents

This article is the long & technical version of the practical part of How I Biohack My Longevity. This article contains lots of medical terminology and, at times, may be hard to read for the layman. For a (very) short summary of everything that follows read here: How I Biohack My Longevity – Part IV: My Longevity Protocol.

As discussed at length here, aging is a natural, spontaneous, and progressive process. It happens to everyone simply as a byproduct of being alive. However, it can be somewhat counteracted and delayed if I am just aggressive enough with it.

My objective is to strike a decent balance between longevity and vitality (as unfortunately, longevity and vitality are sometimes at odds – for example, caloric restriction). I personally do not care about maximum life span extension as this comes with quality of life tradeoffs I am not willing to make (e.g., living a sheltered life, food obsession, etc.).

Said in other words, my objective is rather to live better than to live longer. If I can add a healthy decade or so to my life that would obviously be great too.

I employ a multitude of different strategies, each targeting one or more aspects of the aging process from a different angle. Each strategies employs a number of tactics.

Because half of solving the longevity equation comes down to delaying (or avoiding) chronic disease, I will first discuss the three diseases that currently kill about 80% of people in industrialized nations and what I am currently doing about them. Then, I will discuss more “general” strategies aimed at prolonging health span.

Biology is chaos and due to the interconnectedness of bodily processes, there is necessarily some overlap between both strategies as well as tactics. For example, decreasing the activity of the mTOR pathway or keeping hormones at youthful levels will also help with counteracting inflammation, neurodegeneration, atherosclerosis, and deterioration of the musculoskeletal system.

But before I discuss the individual strategies in more detail, first a word on prevention.

The above is only a fraction of the article. This article is currently undergoing final revisions and is expected to be published within the next few weeks to months. To receive a notification upon its release, sign up for my newsletter.

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